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My best pair of SPINGLE - How to choose a size that fits your feet

Shoes that are manufactured in Japan normally follow the Japanese sizing - XS, SS, S, M, L and so on. SPINGLE MOVE also follows such sizing method...

SPINGLE MOVE SPM-433 Dark navy

You can't miss SPM-443 if you like tall tubes !


SPM-168 Tricolor is made of light and soft cowhide leather with red, white and blue French stripes, classic and elegant.


This season's special colour - yellow body and navy blue sole - brings out the summer spirit, so it's time to get ready for summer.

Spingle move SPM-252 - Oil-waxed leather and Tyrolean shoes

The shoe design is a reference to the Tyrolean shoe (a leather shoe worn in the Alpine Tyrol. The upper part of the shoe is stitched with a U-shaped bag, like a moccasin)
The oiled wax leather is soft to the touch and has a unique texture, with concave and convexity, giving it a luxurious feel. The more you wear it, the more you can enjoy the texture of the leather.

SPINGLE MOVE - SPM442(White/Navy)

The elasticated sides of the shoe allow for easy on and off: the ankle is also padded for a snug fit with every step you take.

SPM-272 Brown Classic returns!

The coffee-coloured leather has a sophisticated look and the soft touch of oiled wax leather has a luxurious atmosphere.

SPINGLE SPM-166 全新設計Slip-On

New design - Slip-On and classic footwear combined for ease of wear while retaining a traditional look


SPINGLE's popular SPM-110 - the wild Australian kangaroo leather is carefully selected to provide the ultimate in comfort while retaining its high breathability.


Silver foil on Italian leather, soft and elegant, a perfect match


SPINGLE MOVE classic shoe model SPM-101 is printed with Hokusai's 36 scenes of Toyokawa "Kanagawa Okinami". Each pair has a different collage, and each pair has a different picture of the waves, some more and some less, only one batch is available while stocks last!


The new SPM-340 is based on the SPM-339 and has a wider shape than the traditional SPM-110, with embossing on the pigskin to hide the less visible snake pattern and add a touch of playfulness.

SPINGLE MOVE SPM-458 KUNIYOSHI Ukiyo-e, Masterpiece Special Edition

This high-profile model is a print of the masterpiece "Soma Kouchiura" by Utagawa Kunikichi, a ukiyo-e painter in the late Edo period.
This majestic work depicts a huge skeleton in the confrontation between Genji no Shinobu's attendant Otaku Mitsukuni and Hiramon's soli and wizard Takikage Hime.


Rarely used corduroy fabric, each pair has a different texture, unique design, another good choice for new year shoes!

SPINGLE MOVE ​SPM-110 Black-Green

The SPM-110 comes in a dark green colour scheme with an all black sole and white stitching.

The shoe is made from Australian wild kangaroo leather, which is lightweight and soft, providing the ultimate in comfort.

Do you know what you wear? Materials that SPINGLE uses

What do you look into when you choose your new shoes? Many seldom look into the materials but only the outlook...

SPINGLE MOVE W X heavy-weather :: Collaboration of the Year

2018 is probably the year of collaboration. To dedicate our gratitude to all SPIN fans and your unquenching love and support, we present you the exclusive...

#loveSPIN Creative Campaign - Awarding Ceremony

We're grateful for the participation of all the SPIN fans, "#loveSPIN Creative Campaign" has well rounded off...

#loveSPIN Creative Campaign - SPINGLE's Brand New Page

SPINGLE anytime anywhere anyhow!
Under the theme - “love SPIN”, submit your original works (photography, illustration art or video etc., no limitation on submission). Winners will receive BIG PRIZES...

「The Master of Black Dye」- Kyoto Montsuki

Kyoto Montsuki’s signature Black Dye is well-recognized in Japan & many people in HongKong might not know about this, to explain in a few lines:

Japanese named Kyoto Montsuki「 The Master of Black Dye」with respect.

The traditional men’s wedding kimono costumes are made from Kyoto Montsuki, it is the most honorable luxury in Japan.

Black is always in fashion, even COMME CA STAGE & DRESSCAMP have collaborated for a「Deep Black」collection with Kyoto Montsuki before.

SPINGLE MOVE W - Kyoto’s Extreme「Deep Black」Collection

The most traditional & refined Japanese men's kimonos are in [Deep Black] colour, Japanese people set high standards on this black colour, it's best made with the century-old “Black Dye” expert - Kyoto Montsuki

Kyoto Montsuki has a high reputation of its “Black Dye” expertise in Japan, the company doesn’t not cooperate with others easily.

For this Season, the「Deep Black」canvas of SPINGLE MOVE W collection was produced by Kyoto Montsuki and it’s available only for the Hong Kong & western countries. This is such a blessing for the Hong Kong SPINGLE fans, you are definitely going to regret if you miss it.


#Could I replace the outsole?
It's no doubt that no matter how durable an outsole is, it will be worn out someday. Many customers offen ask for the replacement service; however...

The Mini SPINGLE Returns!

Are you ready? The mini SPINGLE is available now!


【We are going to continue to send out "made in JAPAN" from now also.】

Starting from 2004, SPINGLE MOVE started their business and insisted their philosophy...

SPINGLE MOVE x heavy-weather H.K. Limited Edition

精益求精的 SPINGLE,每季都會與不同日牌合作,務求為傳統的手造鞋賦予更時尚的外型,而香港的 fans 終於唔駛得個「恨」字喇!千呼萬喚,終於推出屬於香港限定版的 SPINGLE MOVE...

搶眼的鮮紅色搭配低調的鎳銀色 凸顯和諧

咁易被你估到,我就唔係食神啦! 搶眼的鮮紅色不一定搭配七彩扣眼,低調的鎳銀色反而更能凸顯和諧^_^ ‪#‎色彩‬ ‪#‎扣眼‬ ‪#‎DIY‬ —— 銅鑼灣皇室堡G12 | 尖沙咀漢口中心2/F 212


—— 創作一對屬於自己的 SPINGLE —— 在悶熱的 Summer,做任何事都提不起勁!?SPINGLE 決意為大家加添動力,擁抱充滿活力色彩的炎夏! 今天起,SPINGLE HK 將日本 SPINGLE 的「扣眼DIY」服務引入香港。以後大家可以隨自己喜好品味,創造一雙別具一格嘅 SPINGLE。(費用 HK$180 一雙鞋) 【 好消息!】凡於 26/6 至 16/7 期間,購買任何 SPINGLE 鞋履一雙,即免費送你「扣眼DIY」服務一次。 各位可以立即化身「日本職人」,為自己的 SPINGLE 上添獨特色彩,創造出富自己 id 的 sneaker! 仲等!?即到銅鑼灣及尖沙咀門市選購全線日本製嘅…

SPA-621 千呼萬喚 • 皮革防水噴霧

唔少客人買咗 SINGLE 後,都會問店員需要如何保養, 雖然大部分鞋嘅面料都用上天然皮革,有基本防水功能,雨天都可以放心穿著,但日本 SINGLE 廠方深知香港天氣潮濕多雨,特意研發皮革防水噴霧,令 fans 們可保靚鞋平安! 而本來已有嘅皮革軟膏,兩者皆有防污功能,但與防水噴霧嘅效用唔相同,抹上軟膏能為鞋打蠟,減少遭刮花嘅機會,若鞋面出現刮痕、披口,清潔鞋面後抹上能令痕跡變得唔明顯。 防水噴霧使用方法: Step 1 – 先清潔鞋面,(如有塵垢,噴後或會脫落而降低效用) Step 2 – 噴在鞋子上較不明顯的位置 (如鞋踭 / 鞋舌等),檢視效果如何,避免個別皮革或染料與噴霧產生化學反應,會影響外觀 Step 3 – 試驗完成後,距離鞋子 10-15cm 噴上,噴至表面輕輕地濡濕的程度 Step 4 –…

SPINGLE Custom Shoes | Have Your Own Colorful Eyelets

— On Your Own Path | SPINGLE MOVE — Feel bored in the boring summer? Relax! SPINGLE MOVE is going to bring you a colorful summer to help you get…


【1839年誕生於美國的運動休閒鞋的基本製法】 SPINGLE MOVE 的特點是,鞋底橡膠向上翻卷延伸而將鞋面包住的這樣的獨特設計。不僅是外觀美觀,鞋底和鞋面結合牢固,不易脫底,不易變形,這樣的一種美觀和功能性兼具的外形,就是由「硫化製法」(Vulcanized Process)製作的。 「硫化製法」是指將橡膠底和鞋本體,在加了硫黃的窯爐內進行加熱加壓的製法,是在170年以前的1839年,由美國發明家查爾斯·固特異發明,正所謂是「運動休閒鞋的基本製法」。 由手藝人手工作業將鞋面(本體)和鞋底粘接在一起,然後放在吊架上。這時候冷眼一看,鞋好像已經製作完了,但實際上橡膠部分還很軟。 將這種狀態的鞋再放入加硫窯爐,使鞋底和鞋面牢固地結合。 【手工作業所耗費的時間和精力是難以想像的】 100度以上約一個小時,放在加硫窯爐中進行加熱加壓。 加熱完,隨著轟響聲,窯爐上方的門被開啟,放出裡面的煙霧。 在熱風、白煙以及橡膠氣味包圍之中,手藝人取出吊架,小心剪掉為防止變形而縫上的線和布。 然後,為了使還沒有散發掉熱量的鞋子的形狀穩定,而用大風扇進行冷卻。 「硫化製法」因為基本上都是手工作業,需要花費難以想像的精力和時間, 生產效率低,所以採用這種製法的廠家已寥寥無幾。現在,在日本採用「硫化製法」的廠家,包括 SPINGLE 廠在內,僅有三家。 已擁有75年以上歷史的 SPINGLE 工廠,今後也將繼續傳承採用「硫化製法」,不斷向世人傳達這種製法製作的產品的優良品質。

金培達老師都愛穿 SPINGLE

金培達老師上次選購咗 SPM-110 Ivory、SPM-191 藍染 及 SPM-605 Gore-Tex black,短時間之內又嚟買多對短筒 SPM-551 Camel,已經在考慮下次要再買邊款邊對⋯⋯ 今日金培達老師光臨銅鑼灣 SPINGLE MOVE & heavy-weather,自從上次選購咗 SPM-110 Ivory、SPM-191 藍染 及 SPM-605 Gore-Tex black,金老師已經對 SPINGLE 的舒適及獨特外形完全著迷。 今次再嚟,選了短筒的 SPM-551 Camel 及 rehacer X…


小編第一對 SPINGLE:SPM-110 Ivory,差不多兩年了,當時一穿上立即被它的舒適感動,秒速付鈔!這對小小的SPM-110 Ivory,也造就了SPINGLE MOVE 落戶香港,然後有了品牌在日本以外第一所專門店⋯⋯ ____ ‪#‎MOVEbegins‬ Made In Japan

SPINGLE 真係咁襟著?是耶非耶?

鞋底是否襟著,真係睇好多因素,SPINGLE 亦從來不會保證一對鞋可以穿多久。 這張「6年的練成」相片中的一雙穿著了六年的 SPINGLE MOVE SPM-211,是一位由一位香港客戶借出的(她在日本購買,當時香港還未有店舖發售)。 照片的重點是想帶出 SPINGLE 鞋履採用的皮革質量及古著味道! SPINGLE 從來不靠名人、潮人代言,一直堅持要靠產品質量及誠意造工去說服客戶。在過去15年來,產品在日本國內口碑不俗,也越受歡迎,更有很多著名品牌慕名合作推出聯乘特別版。 品牌成功必定有其理由,而 Made in Japan 當然是其中一個重要因素,始終這是一個信心指標! —— made in Japan ‪#‎MOVEbegins‬


————— 另再購 SPM-110 的開箱文 ————— ( 原文以第一人稱書寫 ) 剛購買了一雙 SPINGLE MOVE SPM-110,價格頗高檔,因為是日本國內生產持久耐用的皮革製 sneaker。 對上一次購買 sneaker,已經是很久以前了,而且這是我第二次購買 SPINGLE MOVE。 三年前,第一次購買的款式是 SPM-168。當時選購的 SPM-168 是常規(regular)產品,到目前還在發售中,而且聽說銷情還是很好呢! 【 有關SPINGLE MOVE的好處 】 • 店家標示 SPINGLE 是「日本國產手製 sneaker…

我們仍然堅持以日本職人手藝為您製作最舒適的 SNEAKERS

科技論者認為,電腦和機械人逐漸取代了人做的工作,人工智能(AI)發展一日千里,連霍金(Stephen Hawking)都擔心:終有一朝,「全面的人工智能(Full AI)帶來人類的末日」。如今,電腦已可以3D打印、駕駛汽車、煮食、寫稿、翻譯文章、作曲、法律搜證,連下西洋象棋和圍棋亦已擊敗多名世界頂尖高手,甚至IBM的電腦Watson玩Jeopardy!也勝人類⋯⋯ 電腦似乎無所不能⋯⋯ 但是,病人會喜歡機械人還是護士去護理他們呢?你喜歡跟電腦還是跟活生生的人下棋呢?最終,消費者的選擇才是關鍵。 無論世界怎麼變,我們仍然堅持以日本職人手藝為您製作最舒適、最人性化的 sneakers! —— made in Japan ‪#‎MOVEbegins‬

日本足球大將長友佑都大讚 SPINGLE

日本足球大將長友佑都也讚 SPINGLE,之前佢曾經著住紅色 SPINGLE 拍 Mazda 廣告。 拍完廣告後,佢評語: ” かっこいい車とかっこいいCM、かっこいい靴(笑)が出ていますので、皆さんも是非CMチェックしてくださいね “ (意譯: “Cool car and cool CM, because it has come out cool shoes (laughs), everyone also please check out the…

旅港日本 Artist『SOKO和泉素行』愛上了SPINGLE

之前我們 share 過嘅居港日本藝人兼 YouTuber 和泉素行(SOKO),今日嚟咗銅鑼灣 SPINGLE MOVE! 離開岡山老家到香港已經有10年嘅 SOKO,係透過香港專門店才認識 SPINGLE(品牌創立只有15年,對一個已離開日本10年嘅年青人,必然會感到陌生)。 SOKO 非常欣賞 SPINGLE 鞋嘅舒適度,一著難忘,而且設計簡約大方,著住去咩場合都掂。佢尤其喜歡 SPINGLE 螺旋狀嘅獨一無二鞋底,一眼就能看出;正好跟品牌 logo 相應:旋轉向上,充滿力量、正能量滿瀉! 佢要搵對白色嘅 smart causal sneaker,原本選擇了白色嘅 SPM-272,但無佢 size。正在苦惱時,發現了 SPM-442 ivory,百搭又舒適非常。 臨走時,佢心滿意足地說:「多謝我哋將咁好嘅日本品牌帶來香港,否則佢都無機會認識!」,他仲話要帶朋友嚟買,支持佢哋嘅祖國貨品! 了解更多SOKO和泉素行: 《和泉素行 –…

「重劍無鋒,大巧不工」的 SPM-110 IVORY

在金庸武俠小說《神鵰俠侶》中,楊過在神鵰的引導下,於獨孤求敗的劍塚中得到玄鐵重劍,並從劍塚留言「重劍無鋒,大巧不工」八字,領悟出「愈是平平無奇的劍招,對方愈難抗禦」的曠世劍術。 小編發現 SPINGLE MOVE SPM-110 ivory 很符合這種氣派,看似「平平無奇」,其實百看不厭,任何服飾、場合也能駕馭。 原來,這就叫做「經典」! —— made in Japan ‪#‎MOVEbegins‬


SPINGLE 四大系列 MOVE / W / biz / nima 的 2016 F/W 秋冬新款。 雖然 F/W 系列要在下半年才會陸續推出市場,但是絕對值得大家引頸以待的。 大家可以先入手從三月至六月陸續上市的 2016 S/S 春夏系列,一路期待 2016 F/W 系列的上市吧! ——…

An End User’s Digest: The Spiral Sole and Ergonomics of SPINGLE

Many people who first see SPINGLE MOVE are astonished, especially by the upward curve and spiral sole! Because of the weird appearance, I decided to find out what’s underneath the sole.…

Tiny 110 Key Ring

The Japanese craftsmen have made a tiny key ring of red SPM-110, whose outline, stitching and the threaded rubber sole are completely the same as the real sneakers.

SPINGLE MOVE x Onomichi Canvas:SPM-324

SPM-324 is made of Onomichi canvas which is a delicate fabric. After stone washing, the canvas becomes more beautiful. The sole is maintained soft like other SPINGLE MOVE. The front and the edges of canvas are covered by leather, together with the chamois leather shoelace, simply enhancing the canvas sneakers.

SPINGLE Move – Born to be Vintage

Create your own vintage! The SPINGLE MOVE SPM-211 red is now available in men and women at SPINGLE MOVE store, Windsor House.

Hard Work is the Key to Success

Spingle Move has an origin in Hiroshima, Japan. We believe that a good brand depends on good products. Spingle is a perfectionist in every detail, aiming at hand-making gratified and comfortable walking shoes that everyone likes to wear and everyone appreciates the design.

Spingle Move ‧ Craftsman ‧ Surpass Themselves

Spingle persists in Made In Japan and the major processes are conducted by hand. It emphasizes the craftsmanship of Japanese shoe maker.

The importance of “Heart”

In the era of mechanization in industry, it is common to see factory full of machines. In Spingle’s factory, however, you can see professional craftsmen working their stitches meticulously on leather and managing shoe soles by knife.